Hackers are trading your data on the Dark Web! Do you know how to protect yourself?

Hackers are trading your data on the Dark Web! Do you know how to protect yourself? Your credit card details, online banking information, and social media credentials are increasingly available on the dark web at worryingly low prices. Researchers from privacy affairs frequently scan Dark Web marketplaces, forums, and websites to create a price index […]

How to find Vulnerabilities on a WordPress site WP Scan Synapsint

Laptop displaying WordPress vulnerability scanning tutorial.

How to find Vulnerabilities on a WordPress site WP Scan Synapsint Introduction WPScan is a tool designed for security professionals to enumerate WordPress websites and identify potential vulnerabilities. It can check the WordPress version, plugins, themes, user names, and weak passwords, among other things. This guide will demonstrate how to enumerate and find vulnerabilities on […]

How MFA-as-a-Service Can Improve Your Security Posture

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How MFA-as-a-Service Can Improve Your Security Posture Introduction Have you ever been a victim of hacking? Financial loss, identity theft, data loss, reputationaldamage, and legal liability are all consequences that can result from this unforgiving attack.Equipping yourself with the necessary tools is how you can fight back and protect yourself andyour business. One such tool […]

How to Choose the Right MFA-as-a-Service Provider

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How to Choose the Right MFA-as-a-Service Provider Introduction Have you ever experienced the frustration of being unable to access your password-protectedaccounts, only to discover that your data has been compromised or manipulated? Astechnology advances and becomes more accessible, the issue of password insecurity growsincreasingly significant. Ensuring the safety, stability, and success of your business ororganization […]

Email Security as a Service: The Future of Email Protection

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Email Security as a Service: The Future of Email Protection Introduction Let me ask you a question: what do you think is the number one method of communication used by businesses, employees, students, etc.? The answer is email. You include it in most of your professional and academic documents when trying to communicate. It’s estimated […]

Web-Filtering-as-a-Service: A Secure and Cost-Effective Way to Protect Your Employees

Web-Filtering-as-a-Service: A Secure and Cost-Effective Way to Protect Your Employees What is Web-Filtering A Web filter is computer software that limits the websites a person can access on their computer. We use them to prohibit access to websites that host malware. These are usually sites associated to pornography or gambling. To put it simply, web […]

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