How do I protect my privacy online?

Buckle in. Let’s talk about protecting your privacy online. Before submitting your email address or other personal information online, you need to be sure that the privacy of that information will be protected. To protect your identity and prevent an attacker from easily accessing additional information about you, be cautious about providing your birth date, […]

What habits can you develop to enhance your internet privacy?

I regularly teach on this subject professionally for organizations as large as 70,000 employees, and it’s one of my favorite subjects to help people better understand. Let’s go over a few Good Security Habits to help you stay safe. There are some simple habits you can adopt that, if performed consistently, will dramatically reduce the […]

4 ways you can secure the Internet of Things (IoT)

man in black holding phone and working on computers

Let’s talk briefly about Securing the Internet of Things The Internet of Things is becoming an important part of everyday life.  Being aware of the associated risks is a key part of keeping your information and devices secure. The Internet of Things refers to any object or device that sends and receives data automatically through […]

4 Ways Your Business Wins with Open Source Software in the Cloud

Open-source software is exploding in the technology world. As you may have guessed, the underlying code of open source software is available for its users to study and tinker with. Because of this transparency, communities for open-source technology are booming and provide resources, updates, and technical help for open source programs. The cloud has had […]

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