How to Set Up Hailbytes Git on AWS for Your Organization

What is Hailbytes?
Hailbytes is a cybersecurity firm that provides managed security services and cloud-based security technology to help companies protect their digital transformation.
Git Server on AWS
The HailBytes Git Server provides a secure, supported, and easy-to-manage versioning system for your code. This allows users to save code, track revision history, and combine code changes. The system has security updates and uses an open source development that is free of hidden backdoors.
This self-hosted Git service is easy to use and powered by Gitea. In many ways, it is like GitHub, Bitbucket, and Gitlab. It provides support for Git revision control, developer wiki pages, and issue tracking. You will be able to access and maintain your code with ease because of the functionality and familiar interface.
Getting HailBytes Git
HailBytes is a proud partner of AWS. To set up HailBytes Git on AWS,
- First, go to the AWS marketplace
- There, you can buy HailBytes Git Server version 1.17.3 for $0.10/hour on your Linux/Unix or Ubuntu 20.04 System on AWS marketplace or get a free trial now!
- For our 7 day free trial you can test out one unit of this product. Although we can’t do anything about the AWS infrastructure fees, there will not be any extra software fees for that unit.
- Once the free trial expires it will automatically turn into a paid subscription so you will be charged for any usage above the free units provided.
- Even with a large team with many developers you would be paying the same hourly rate.
- We recommend the m4.large EC2 instance type which is $0.10 software/hr and EC2/hr so a total of $0.20/hour.
- If you are using our Git Server for the whole year, you can save up to 18%.