Email Security as a Service: The Future of Email Protection

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Email Security as a Service: The Future of Email Protection Introduction Let me ask you a question: what do you think is the number one method of communication used by businesses, employees, students, etc.? The answer is email. You include it in most of your professional and academic documents when trying to communicate. It’s estimated […]

Web-Filtering-as-a-Service: A Secure and Cost-Effective Way to Protect Your Employees

Web-Filtering-as-a-Service: A Secure and Cost-Effective Way to Protect Your Employees What is Web-Filtering A Web filter is computer software that limits the websites a person can access on their computer. We use them to prohibit access to websites that host malware. These are usually sites associated to pornography or gambling. To put it simply, web […]

Phishing Prevention Best Practices: Tips for Individuals and Businesses

Phishing Prevention Best Practices: Tips for Individuals and Businesses

Phishing Prevention Best Practices: Tips for Individuals and Businesses Introduction Phishing attacks pose a significant threat to individuals and businesses, targeting sensitive information and causing financial and reputational damage. Preventing phishing attacks requires a proactive approach that combines cybersecurity awareness, robust security measures, and ongoing vigilance. In this article, we will outline essential phishing prevention […]

Vulnerability Management as a Service: The Smart Way to Protect Your Organization

Vulnerability Management as a Service: The Smart Way to Protect Your Organization What is Vulnerability Management? With all the coding and software companies use, there’s always security vulnerabilities. There can be code at risk and a need to secure applications. That’s why we need to have vulnerability management. But, we already have so much on […]

Vulnerability Management as a Service: The Key to Compliance

Vulnerability Management as a Service: The Key to Compliance What is Vulnerability Management? With all the coding and software companies use, there’s always security vulnerabilities. There can be code at risk and a need to secure applications. That’s why we need to have vulnerability management. But, we already have so much on our plate to […]

Shadowsocks vs. VPN: Comparing the Best Options for Secure Browsing

Shadowsocks vs. VPN: Comparing the Best Options for Secure Browsing

Shadowsocks vs. VPN: Comparing the Best Options for Secure Browsing Introduction In an era where privacy and online security are of paramount importance, individuals seeking secure browsing solutions often find themselves faced with a choice between Shadowsocks and VPNs. Both technologies offer encryption and anonymity, but they differ in their approach and functionality. In this […]