7 Chrome Extensions For Accessibility

chrome extensions for accessibility


There are a number of great Chrome extensions that can make browsing the web more accessible for those with disabilities. Here are seven of the best.

1. Google Translate

Google Translate is a must-have extension for anyone who needs to translate web pages into another language. It’s simple to use and can be activated with just a few clicks.

2. Read&Write for Google Chrome

Read&Write for Google Chrome is an extension that provides a host of tools to help with reading, writing, and research. It includes features such as text-to-speech, dictionary lookup, and a ruler to help with areas such as reading comprehension and writing essays.

3. Vizor Accessibility Checker

Vizor Accessibility Checker is a great extension for checking the accessibility of web pages. It will analyze a page and provide a report on any accessibility issues it finds.

4. Color Enhancer

Color Enhancer is an extension that can help those with color blindness to better see web pages. It allows you to adjust the colors of web pages to make them more visible.

5. Zoom Page WE

Zoom Page WE is an extension that allows you to zoom in and out of web pages. This can be helpful for those who need a larger font size or those who want to get a closer look at images.

6. Webpage Screenshot Capture

Webpage Screenshot Capture is an extension that allows you to take screenshots of web pages. This can be helpful for capturing information from a page or for taking pictures of a webpage for later reference.

7. NoCoffee Vision Simulator

NoCoffee Vision Simulator is an extension that allows you to simulate different types of vision impairments. This can be helpful for understanding how someone with a vision disability experiences a web page.


There are a number of great Chrome extensions that can make browsing the web more accessible for those with disabilities. These seven extensions are some of the best and can help with tasks such as reading, writing, research, and website accessibility.

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