Reviewing 4 Social Media APIs
Reviewing 4 Social Media APIs Introduction Social media platforms have become an essential part of our daily lives, providing us with a vast amount of data. However, extracting useful information from these platforms can be time-consuming and tedious. Thankfully, there are APIs that make this process easier. In this article, we will review four social […]
How To Monetize Your Open Source Application
How To Monetize Your Open Source Application Introduction There are a few different ways that you can monetize your open source application. The most common way is to sell support and services. Other options include charging for licensing, or adding features that are only available to paying users. Support and Services One of the easiest […]
Pros And Cons Of Deploying Open Source Software In The Cloud
Pros And Cons Of Deploying Open Source Software In The Cloud Introduction Open source software has a very large user base and many advantages over traditional methods of acquiring and using software. In the context of cloud computing, open source software provides an opportunity for users to get their hands on the latest and greatest […]
Can You Get Open Source Software Available On The AWS Marketplace?
Can You Get Open Source Software Available On The AWS Marketplace? Introduction Yes, you can get open source software available on the AWS Marketplace. You can find these by searching for the term “open source” in the AWS Marketplace search bar. You can also find a list of some available options on the Open Source […]
API Load Testing With Locust
API Load Testing With Locust API Load Testing With Locust: Intro You’ve probably been in this situation before: you write code that does something, an endpoint for example. You test your endpoint using Postman or Insomnia, and everything works fine. You pass on the endpoint to the client-side developer, who then consumes the API and […]
Top OAuth API Vulnerabilities
Top OATH API Vulnerabilities Top OATH API Vulnerabilities: Intro When it comes to exploits, APIs are the greatest place to start. API access usually consists of three parts. Clients are issued tokens by an Authorization Server, which runs alongside APIs. The API receives access tokens from the client and applies domain-specific authorization rules based on […]