How to setup custom TLS and DNS for GoPhish dashboard

How to setup custom TLS and DNS for GoPhish dashboard


f you’re using GoPhish for phishing simulations, you might already have a custom domain name and TLS certificate set up for your dashboard. But what about your landing page? It’s equally important to have a valid certificate on your landing page to ensure the success of your campaigns.Ensuring your Gophish landing page is secured with a TLS certificate not only increases the professionalism of your campaigns but also enhances their credibility. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up a custom TLS certificate for your Gophish landing page.

Setuping custom TLS and DNS for GoPhish dashboard


Before we dive in, make sure you’ve followed the previous tutorial on setting up a custom domain name and TLS on your GoPhish dashboard. This is a requirement for setting up a certificate on your landing page.


  • Log into Your GoPhish Server via SSH: After you have the prerequisites in place, the first step is to log into your GoPhish server using SSH.

  • Choose Your Certificate Option: You have two options here: either generate a new certificate following the steps from the previous tutorial or reuse the certificate you used for your dashboard. Reusing the certificate is often the simpler option.

  • Modify Your GoPhish Config File (config.json):

    • Open the config.json file in a text editor (like Nano).
    • Locate the section for your fish server.
    • Change the LISTEN_URL port to 443 (the standard HTTPS port).
    • Rename the CERT_PATH and KEY_PATH to match the certificate and key files you want to use (e.g., gophish_admin.crt and gophish_admin.key).
    • Set the TLS option to true.
  • Restart the GoPhish Service: Save the changes you made to the config.json file and restart the GoPhish service. This will apply the new configuration.

  • Verify Your Certificate: Visit your GoPhish landing page in a web browser. You should now see a valid certificate on the regular domain name, not just on port 3636.