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How to Brute Force Website Login with OWASP ZAP

Cartoon hacker using OWASP ZAP for brute force attack.

How to Brute Force Website Passwords with ZAP Proxy


ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy) is an open-source web application security scanner. It helps security professionals find vulnerabilities in web applications. One of its features is the ability to perform brute force attacks, which attempt to gain access by trying many possible passwords. In this article, we will demonstrate how to use ZAP Proxy to perform a brute force attack on a website’s login form. This technique is for educational purposes only. Ensure you have explicit written permission before testing any website.

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Performing a Brute Force Attack

Setting Up the Environment

Tools Required:

  1. ZAP Proxy: Make sure ZAP is installed. If you need help, follow the installation instructions on the official website.
  2. Test Environment: We will use, a demo site designed for security testing.

Steps to Perform a Brute Force Attack

  1. Load the Target Website:


  1. Navigate to the Login Page:


  1. Intercept the Request:


  1. Prepare for Brute Force:


  1. Configure Fuzzing Payloads:

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  1. Start the Attack:


  1. Analyze the Results:


  1. Identify the Correct Password:


  1. Verify the Login:


  1. Successful Login: – A successful login confirms the brute force attack worked, granting access to the test website.


ZAP Proxy is a powerful tool for security testing, including brute force attacks on login forms. By carefully analyzing responses and using appropriate word lists, you can identify weak passwords and improve the security of the systems you have permission to test. Always use such tools responsibly and ethically.

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