Banshee Stealer Operation Shut Down After Source Code Leak, Blue Yonder Hit by Ransomware Attack: Your Cybersecurity Roundup

Banshee Stealer Operation Shut Down After Source Code Leak
The operators behind Banshee Stealer, a macOS-focused Malware-as-a-Service (MaaS), have ceased operations after its source code was leaked online. The malware, promoted by Russian threat actors for $3,000 per month, targeted sensitive user data from macOS devices, including OS passwords, browser information, and cryptocurrency wallets such as Exodus and Ledger. It could also steal cookies, logins, and browsing history from major browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
Despite lacking advanced obfuscation, Banshee Stealer posed a significant threat due to its extensive data collection capabilities. Its source code leak was reported by VX-Underground, which has archived and shared it on GitHub.
Blue Yonder Hit by Ransomware Attack, Disrupting Supply Chains
A ransomware attack on Blue Yonder, a leading supply chain management software provider, has led to significant disruptions for several major companies.
The attack, which occurred in November 2023, has impacted various industries, including retail and manufacturing. Companies like Starbucks, Morrisons, and Sainsbury’s have reported disruptions in their operations due to the outage of Blue Yonder’s services.
While the specific ransomware group behind the attack remains unknown, the incident highlights the increasing threat posed by cyberattacks to critical infrastructure and supply chains. Such attacks can have far-reaching consequences, impacting businesses, consumers, and economies.
Global Law Enforcement Operation Nabs Over 5,500 Financial Crime Suspects, Seizes $400M
A coordinated effort involving 40 countries has led to the arrest of more than 5,500 individuals linked to financial crimes and the seizure of over $400 million in assets, both virtual and government-backed. Dubbed Operation HAECHI-V, the exercise spanned from July to November 2024, tackling cyber-enabled crimes worldwide.
Notably, Korean and Beijing authorities dismantled a $1.1 billion voice phishing syndicate impacting 1,900 victims. This group posed as law enforcement officials and used fake identification to defraud individuals, resulting in 27 arrests and 19 indictments.
INTERPOL also issued a warning about the emerging USDT Token Approval Scam. This cryptocurrency fraud exploits romance scams to trick victims into granting scammers access to their wallets, enabling them to drain funds without detection.